a thousand be one

The people are starlings

the people are a flock but

the people have expectations

Develop, unfold, grow, be yourself but

I am not so interested in myself

I am just me

I don’t think I’m not worthy

I is just me

I wish the people were starlings

there is no individual

It’s the group and that is life

it will go on without you

You loop at the group without

looking at a single one

a single one is not even visible

maybe that is why I want to be a bird


The thing

The thing is

I used to think that the future

oh, that is still so far away

maybe I won’t even be there anymore

The future seems like a big word

a great distance

It looks like, in that way

the word thing

for I don’t know what a thing is but

I do know what isn’t a thing

And I do not know what is not the future

because yesterday is the future to the other side of the world

and maybe it is to me too

I think the future is close

tomorrow and next year

I’ll be here still then

I don’t know what the future is

So maybe yesterday was the future

maybe we just walked by


As I raise my hand and I touch my head

the world shook a little

and I touched my head again and the world shook and it shook and it shook

I shivered for the fire was warm and the room was warm but

I was cold

I always thought that writers and poets could remain a mystery

even though they write about their World Inside

I know now that I am an open book

that you may not always know what I mean, but you do understand what I say

That scares me sometimes


A story was told

Nothing of great significance, but it could have been.

All that said was,


And it was

but this wasnt

Too busy reading the paper, reading an email

Someone walked away and

I am quite sure that this

was the feeling of blood flowing down

leaving my head


I quite literally don’t have words for it.

You see, the thing is, I never experienced something alike before. We were friends, and it was fine, everything was fine. It’s only now that I realize that I have learned to love you in such a short time. I remember last year, I didn’t even know you back then. I don’t remember our first meeting, nor our first ‘hi’.

You see, the thing is, I’m amazed by how fast this went. We are friends, and it is fine, everything is fine. I realize that you are so much one-of-a-kind. I remember yesterday, we had the best talk about everything and nothing, but we both felt such strong friendship all of a sudden.

You see, the thing is, I know for a fact that we will last. We will be friends and friends in a year and after that.

You see, the thing is, I know this might be confusing, and frankly, I find it too. But I just realized that I have learned to love you so deeply in such a short time.

I walked around with the sleeves of my vest wrapped around my hands. I walked and looked for something, but I didn’t know what. Something to give me purpose, I guess. There was a mirror and I looked and I saw someone I didn’t want to recognise.

I felt like a little kid who had grown up with no mirrors, had never seen the light of day and finally after years got the chance of seeing who you really are and then all you see is just a person, one with messy hair and a stale vest.

So I kept on walking until I wasn’t alone anymore

While i lost count

lost in my head

i dreamt of those people of that community

and i was stuck with them

They were crazy

crazy is what they were

They talked and yelled and pretended

like they saw everything but in fact

they didn’t even look

i was the only one to see it

And yes i awoke

But they were still lost in my head

lost like me


The smell of food was still in the air

I tried to normally walk through it but

my feet kept drawing the attention

earth stay standing down to earth stay standing

I would fill the space with

myself but I drift away

My fingers tap a rhythm on my leg

so I drift outside and

I look back and see

a million little lights  following us and I think

This has to be it